Mavity’s AI Toolkit helps you streamline the creative process and get things done faster.
Here’s how you can use our AI-powered tools to create content and manage tasks efficiently.
Step 1: Log in
Type your email address in the text field and click on "Create Account"
Step 2: Access the AI Toolkit
Navigate to the AI Toolkit tab in the sidebar.
Here, you’ll find various AI modules designed to assist with specific creative tasks.
Step 2: Selecting the Packaging Module
You can choose from a variety of modules depending on your needs. In this case, we will chose the Packaging module.
(optional) Filter the modules by packaging category
Select the packaging module
Step 3: Generate Package
Click the Generate button.
You’ll see a progress bar as the AI works on creating your copy and images. The module will output the post with copy and visuals for you to review and use.
Step 4: Download the content
You can download the image or the whole post to your desktop.
Click on the toolbar and click on the download button
Click on the image and download the image only